Here comes the summer (chapter one).
Oh, baby, baby, what can I do / You know you drive me crazy when I'm looking at you/ the summer is really here and it's time to come out / Time to discover what fun is about /.
Elvis COSTELLO: "The other side of summer" [from Mighty like a Rose, 1991].
Jonathan RICHMAN: "That summer feeling" [from Jonathan sings!, 1983].
LOVIN' SPOONFUL: "Summer in the city" [from Hums of the Lovin' Spoonful, 1966].
The DOORS: "Indian summer" [from Morrison Hotel, 1970].
LOVE: "Bummer in the summer" [from Forever Changes, 1968].
WILCO: "Summerteeth" [from Sumer teeth, 1999].
Nancy SINATRA / Lee HAZLEWOOD: "Summer wine" [from Nancy and Lee, 1968].
Benjamin BIOLAY: "Un ete sur la cote" [from Rose Kennedy, 2001].
YO LA TENGO: "The summer" [from Fakebook, 1990].
Chet BAKER: "Summertime" [from Chet in Paris (vol. 1), 1960].
WINTERBRIEF: "Suburban summer" [from Guitar guitar, 2001].
BADLY DRAWN BOY: "Summertime in wintertime" [from One plus one is one, 2004].
The UNDERTONES: "Here comes the summer" [from Here comes the summer, 1979].
BUFFALO TOM: "Summer" [from Sleepy eyed, 1995].
GIANT SAND: "Sounds of summer" [bonus from Chore of enchantment, 2000].
GRANDADDY: "Summer here kids" [from Under the western freeway, 1997].
The FLAMING LIPS: "It's summertime" [from Yoshimi battles the Pink Robots, 2002]
Jonathan RICHMAN: "That summer feeling" [from Jonathan sings!, 1983].
LOVIN' SPOONFUL: "Summer in the city" [from Hums of the Lovin' Spoonful, 1966].
The DOORS: "Indian summer" [from Morrison Hotel, 1970].
LOVE: "Bummer in the summer" [from Forever Changes, 1968].
WILCO: "Summerteeth" [from Sumer teeth, 1999].
Nancy SINATRA / Lee HAZLEWOOD: "Summer wine" [from Nancy and Lee, 1968].
Benjamin BIOLAY: "Un ete sur la cote" [from Rose Kennedy, 2001].
YO LA TENGO: "The summer" [from Fakebook, 1990].
Chet BAKER: "Summertime" [from Chet in Paris (vol. 1), 1960].
WINTERBRIEF: "Suburban summer" [from Guitar guitar, 2001].
BADLY DRAWN BOY: "Summertime in wintertime" [from One plus one is one, 2004].
The UNDERTONES: "Here comes the summer" [from Here comes the summer, 1979].
BUFFALO TOM: "Summer" [from Sleepy eyed, 1995].
GIANT SAND: "Sounds of summer" [bonus from Chore of enchantment, 2000].
GRANDADDY: "Summer here kids" [from Under the western freeway, 1997].
The FLAMING LIPS: "It's summertime" [from Yoshimi battles the Pink Robots, 2002]

L'ordre és el de menys... l'important és refrescar-se
[s'accepten propostes]
Que tal "la playa" de Los Planetas? Hay gente de esta lista que no tengo ni idea de quien son.
"Na na na na na na na na na na na na voy a Benidorm.
Na na na na na na na na na na na na voy a Benidorm.
Voy, voy a Benidorm (voy a Benidorm).
Voy, voy, voy... Voy a Benidorm."
de Los Nikis (con permiso o sin él de Patrick Hernández)
Altres propostes:
1. Fountains of Wayne "It must be summer"
2. Brian Adams "Summer of '69"
3. Beach Boys "All summer long"
4. Megalo "El verano ya llegó" ;-)
... a sopar! a sopar! abans que tot això degeneri en saber què!!!
Al beach boy dir-li que prenem nota però que es tracta d'estius, no de platges ("ok, aceptamos pulpo como animal de compañia") i al prohom del Fortuny (futur resident al Velòdrom) recordar-li que al 69 l'únic que havia nascut era el menda... a veure en què devia estar pensant???
Salut, mes copains d'abord!!!
pavement: summer babe
Eddie Cochran: Summertime blues
ohhhh molt bona la de "summer babe" de Pavement!!! no sé com al gran mestre no li ha passat pel cap... a saber en què pensa, si pensa clar.
Una de nova: "Summertime" de Josh Rouse inclosa a Subtitulo (2006) ;)
la banda sonora de "verano azul" me pone.
otra, otra.... yo me sé otra!!!
Prince, "Sex in the summer" extret de Emancipation (1996)
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